GCSE / IGCSE Tutoring Program
GCSE Tutoring / IGCSE Tutoring programs are Tutoring Club are created to help student achieve successful academic outcomes and allow the students to unlock their potential for future academic success. We tutor student using the main GCSE and IGCSE exam boards in the following subjects:
Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Arabic and Business Studies.
Exam boards covered:
- AQA Exam Board
- Edexcel Exam Board
GCSE / IGCSE Subjects of Study:
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change
- Geometry and measures
- Probability
- Statistics
GCSE / IGCSE English Reading
- Reading challenging, classic literature and extended literary non-fiction
- At least one play by Shakespeare
- Critical evaluation of different text
- Reading in different ways for different purposes, summarising and synthesising ideas and information,
- Identifying and interpreting themes, ideas and information
- Exploring aspects of plot, characterisation, events and settings, the relationships between them and their effects
- Seeking evidence in the text to support a point of view, including justifying inferences with evidence
- Analysing a writer’s choice of vocabulary, form, grammatical and structural features, and evaluating their effectiveness and impact
GCSE / IGCSE English Writing
- Adapting their writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences: to describe, narrate, explain, instruct, give and respond to information, and argue
- Selecting and organising ideas, facts and key points, and citing evidence, details and quotation effectively and pertinently for support and emphasis
- Selecting, and using judiciously, vocabulary, grammar, form, and structural and organisational features, including rhetorical devices
- Revise, edit and proof-read to improve coherence, consistency, clarity and overall effectiveness
- Drawing on new vocabulary and grammatical constructions
- Using linguistic and literary terminology accurately and confidently in discussing reading, writing and spoken language
GCSE / IGCSE Biology
- Cells and organisation
- The skeletal and muscular systems
- Nutrition and digestion
- Gas exchange systems
- Reproduction
- Health
- Photosynthesis
- Cellular respiration
- Genetics
GCSE / IGCSE Chemistry
- The particulate nature of matter
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Pure and impure substances
- Chemical reactions
- Energetics
- The Periodic Table
- Materials
- Earth and atmosphere
GCSE / IGCSE Physics
- Energy
- Motion and Forces
- Waves
- Electricity and electromagnetism
- Matter