SAT Preparation

What is SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Testing):

SAT is an important test which is required for university admission in most universities. The exam duration is three hours and it consists of three tests: (1) the Reading Test, (2) the Writing and Language Test, and (3) the Math Test.

ComponentTime Allotted (minutes)Number of Questions/Tasks
Reading65 minutes52
Writing and Language35 minutes44
Math80 minutes58
Total180 minutes154

Most of the questions are multiple choice, though some of the math questions ask you to write in the answer rather than select it.

Unlike other exams, there’s no penalty for guessing, so if you’re not sure of the answer, it’s better to guess than leave the response blank.

The SAT Reading Test:

The five passages on the Reading Test include four standalone passages and one pair of passages that you read together. The standalone passages and the paired set are each 500–750 words.

The questions on the reading test fall into three broad categories:

  • How the Author Uses Evidence 
  • Understanding Words in Context
  • Analysis in History/Social Studies and in Science 

The SAT Writing and Language Test

The Writing and Language test is a multiple-choice test in which you read passages and find and fix mistakes and weaknesses. 

This part of the SAT is 35 minutes long, includes 4 passages, and contains 44 multiple-choice questions

The SAT Math Test:

The Math Test focuses on the areas of math that play the biggest role in college and career success: 

  • Heart of Algebra, which focuses on the mastery of linear equations and systems.
  • Problem Solving and Data Analysis, which is about being quantitatively literate.
  • Passport to Advanced Math, which features questions that require the manipulation of complex equations.
  • Additional Topics in Math, including the geometry and trigonometry most relevant to college and career readiness

What is a good SAT Score:

A good SAT score is one that gets you admitted to a college that you would like to go to.

In 2019, the average SAT score was 1050. Any score above that would be above average and perfectly acceptable for many colleges. A score of 1350 would put you in the top 10% of test takers and help make your application competitive at more selective schools.

SAT Preparation Program:

Tutoring Club offers the best SAT Classes in Dubai and help students score high on their SAT exam.  The SAT Preparation program from Tutoring Club has been designed by the SAT preparation experts who understand what students need for university admissions in top universities.

Our unique SAT Smart programs for the SAT test can improve scores dramatically in the math and the English sections.  The diagnostic test allows us to individualize your student’s program to maximize his or her time with us. Our special software system allows us to match up specific items on practice tests with those items missed on the diagnostic. The result: students study only what they need to study. They are not part of a huge class where everyone learns the same thing. We build on their strengths and fill in gaps. If we find a lack in math or reading fundamentals, we may suggest a skill-building program as a prelude to practicing specific strategies and methods. We will help you choose the right test to take and the right time(s) to take it. We will help you understand the relationship between test scores and college admissions. These tests are important to your child’s future.SAT

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